Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Cheesy Pic

Here's some Mozzarella, just chilling out after a good stretching. Just as I started to get a handle on my cheese schedule last week and come up with some sort of schedule for making assorted sundries, we are adding a new market this week on Tuesday. We'll be attending the Winter Harbor market. I've got to be a bit more organized on Sundays now, to assure a good offering for Tuesday.
We popped over to my parents to take a good look at how my Dad braced the corners of his high tensile fence and get a few pointers. We had one of his cows a couple years ago it was orphaned as a calf, and I put him on one of my Jersey cows, who fostered and raised him. Saved his life, and for a thank you he continually blew through our fences, which admittedly weren't up to par. I loaded his butt on the trailer and dumped him back over at my parents house. That darn cow " Smoky Bones" has been on the lamb ever since. He likes to harasss my Mom by coming up on the lawn and tearing it up, probably eating flowers, and pooping everywhere. My Dad said today, once we get our high tensile perimeter fence up he was gonna load Smoky up and bring him back. If the fence will hold Smoky, it'll hold anything. Boy, I hope he's kidding. I was pretty happy to have unloaded him back on my Dad's farm as easily as I did. I sure don't want him back, high tech fence or not I'm not inviting anymore trouble. Trouble is easy enough to find without going looking for it.
For some personal news, I lost 8lbs this week. I still enjoyed hamburgers, sausage, plenty of cheese, butter, and cream in my coffee. A good dose of local salad greens too. That's my kind of diet.

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