Monday, July 27, 2009


Yummy, look at that Ricotta and herbs on french bread. So simple and in season. This week I'm making a lot of ricotta, it's not just for stuffing shells. Ricotta is also delicious with berries and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup. I like to take my huge 3 gallon jars, skim a good portion of the cream off, and then stir the remaining cream back into the milk and heat it up to 180 degrees then dash it with apple cider vinegar and voila! Delicious Ricotta.
Since I haven't updated in a while, yesterday made 5 weeks on my new " diet" and I have lost 21 pounds and started running. I feel renewed!

1 comment:

  1. Jessika,

    That is awesome! You are doing great with your "diet"!

