Thursday, July 16, 2009

Screaming Mimi

This has been a busy and hectic week that has just flown by. I am normally a night owl, between keeping tabs on Ayla, having an avid 11 month old nursling, and just my natural personality--- I am usually on some kind of second wind when the rest of the house sleeps. Every night this week I have laid down to nurse Ida, and just passed out.
Tonight I am finally, once again, the only one awake.
We've done a lot of traveling, especially Dante this week so sorely neglected many farm duties that were already behind due to rain. Dante has not had a chance to get back to the high tensile fence project. We have 20 acres to do, it is extremely slow going with no help. My dad really helped out driving those posts last weekend, I think he and Dante may have had some bonding time. Dad is also doing his own fence. We should have teamed up somehow to help each other out, but conflicting schedules never would have allowed it anyway. It is the busy season. I saw the blueberry harvesters at the garage getting prepped for blueberry season. I can't believe its almost that time. I mulched half of my new perennial flower bed today. I've been faithfully weeding it, but I know I'm gonna get behind so better mulch. The tomato plants growing next to our house look great, so does the kale.
We went to Acadia national park on Wednesday while Dante was at the Bar Harbor Farmer's Market. I took some pics of the kids at the summit of Cadillac Mountain. I'll post them tommorrow. That's the day Ida May got her new nickname " The Screaming Mimi". We say it affectionately, but she has decided in our family with 5 kids, numerous cats and livestock and lots of stuff always going on, the best way to get attention is to scream really loud. Especially in the car, and pretty much whenever I can't hold her. We were driving on the one way scenic loop and I had been really enjoying my coffee, and now needed to find a restroom. Veda and Ayla were yelling that they both had to pee and couldn't hold it, so I was thrilled when I saw a sign for the visitor center because I didn't think I could hold it much longer either. So I pull in with baby crying, girls screaming they can't hold it, and see a sign that says, " Visitor center up 52 steps"
The visitor center with the restrooms was 52 steps up a hillside. There was no way we were gonna make it. I yanked a pull up on the 3 year old, and peeled out. Luckily we found a bathroom right at the market. Whew!
Today Veda had a speech therapy appointment with a new therapist and they did a receptive language evaluation. Poor thing, she does not like direct questioning like that and it broke my heart. You could tell she is thinking hmmmmmmmmmmm, my words don't sound quite right I really don't want to answer this to someone I don't know and trust. I know she knew most of those answers and could understand what she was being asked but that test didn't reflect that at all. Zoie tried to help her by rephrasing the question to how we know she would be comfortable answering, but got scolded for it by the therapist. These are the hard parts of parenting. Teething, tantrums, baby's waking in the night. That's the easy part. I wish that was all I had to worry about.

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